Lee Seung Hwan – Human
Album Information
Artist Name: 이승환
Sort name: Lee Seung Hwan
Title: Human
Genre: Dance
Release date: 1995.06
Total length: 1:01:06
Type: Album
Tracklist (1:01:06):
1. 천일동안 (For Thousand Days) (05:53)
2. 악녀 탄생 (Villainess Is Born) (03:19)
3. 체념을 위한 미련 (Lingering Affection) (04:04)
4. 다만 (Only) (03:50)
5. 흑백영화처럼 (Like a Black and White Movie) (05:12)
6. 참을 수 없는 존재의 시시함 (Unbearable Lightness Of Being) (04:08)
7. 내가 바라는 나 (The One Who I Wish To Be) (04:15)
8. 이별에 대처하는 우리의 자세 (Our Attitude To Prepare Parting) (02:48)
9. 부기우기 (Boogie-Woogie) (04:31)
10. 변해가는 그대 (Changing Face of You) (05:00)
11. 멋있게 사는 거야 (Wonderful Life) (04:32)
12. 너의 나라 (Your Country) (09:04)
13. 지금쯤 너에게 (By Now, To You) (04:30)
FLAC 16-Bit 44.1kHz:
Source: Bugs