Zoo – Zoo I Went Back To Again
Album Information
Artist Name: 동물원
Sort name: Dongmulwon
Title: 다시 가본 동물원
Genre: Dance, Ballad
Release date: 1996.09.01
Total length: 1:01:30
Type: Best
Tracklist (1:01:30):
1. 넌 충분히 아름다운 걸 (You Are Beautiful Enough) (04:58)
2. 이별 그 후 (After Breakup) (04:31)
3. 넌 그걸 어떻게 생각하니 (What Do You Think of That) (03:12)
4. 월급봉투 (Salary Envelope) (04:07)
5. 그래 그렇게 (Yes So) (03:49)
6. 거리에서 (In the Street) (03:59)
7. 변해가네 (It’s Changing) (04:16)
8. 말하지 못한 내 사랑 (I Couldn’t Tell You My Love) (04:23)
9. 흐린 가을 하늘에 편지를 써 (Write a Letter To the Cloudy Autumn Sky) (03:45)
10. 혜화동 (Hyehwa Dong) (03:36)
11. 별빛 가득한 밤에 (On a Starry Night) (05:51)
12. 시청 앞 지하철 역에서 (At the subway station in front of City Hall) (05:34)
13. 유리로 만든 배 (Boat Made of Glass) (04:17)
14. 사랑해요 (I Love You) (03:39)
15. 우리들은 미남이다 (We Are Good Looking) (01:33)
FLAC 16-Bit 44.1kHz:
Source: Bugs